Anushka Sharma has also learned to stay in the news. So far, so films and discuss the affair with Ranbir Singh Anushka who live in the past been seen wearing a large diamond ring. This led to speculation that since this is just somewhere they have not engaged.
According to sources, it will be draped by Ranvir Anushka Diamond Ring. No matter how denied that she and Ranbir are just friends and nothing about the affair, but where there is smoke without fire.
Ranbir during theToronto IIFA Awards sonakshi Sinha after dancing all saw the anger. So maybe that Ranbir gave it to him to celebrate.
Well that Anushka Anushka have told the manager he is not engaged. Sushmita Sen, Anushka, much like the hope that it will not answer what I can not gift a diamond ring? For this I need a man?
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